Select Result of the 3rd Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Regular) Examination held in December, 2018.Result of the 3rd Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Regular) Examination held in December, 2018.



 Result of the 3rd Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Regular) Examination held in December, 2018.

  (A) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are declared to have passed 3rd Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Regular) Examination held in December, 2018.

(In order of Roll No.)

  1. Civil Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) Appeared :14

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed   :11

Passed Percentage: 79%

[C17ME-01/17,                        C17ME-05/17,            C17ME-06/17,                         C17ME-07/17,                          C17ME-10/17, C17ME-11/17,                         C17ME-14/17,                         C17ME-15/17              C17ME-16/17,                         C17ME-17/17, C17ME-18/17]

  1. Production and Industrial Engineering(Mechanical) Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) appeared :09

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed :09

Passed Percentage:100%

[M17ME-01/17,            M17ME-02/17,                         M17ME-03/17,                         M17ME-04/17,                         M17ME-06/17, M17ME-07/17,                        M17ME-08/17,                         M17ME-09/17,                         M17ME-11/17]

  1. Electrical Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) Appeared :16

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed :14

Passed Percentage:88%

[E17ME-01/17,            E17ME-02/17              E17ME-03/17,             E17ME-04/17                         E17ME-07/17, E17ME-08/17              E17ME-09/17,                         E17ME-10/17,                         E17ME-11/17,                         E17ME-12/17 E17ME-13/17,               E17ME-14/17              E17ME-15/17,             E17ME-16/17 ]

(B) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are eligible to appear in the next 3rd semester M.E (Compartmental) Examination in the paper(s) shown against their Roll Nos.

  1. Civil Engineering

 C17ME-02/17 – [ CEM-302]

C17ME-08/17 – [CEM-302,303]

C17ME-09/17 – [ CEM-303]


[CEM-302]-     Comprehensive Viva

[CEM-303]      Dissertation Progress

  1. Production and Industrial Engineering(Mechanical)


Electrical Engineering

 E17ME-05/17- [EEM 301,302,303]

E17ME-17/17- [EEM 301,302,303]


  EEM 301 –      Credit Seminar

EEM 302 –      Comprehensive Viva

EEM 303 –      Dissertation Progress


* The result has been prepared as per the existing DU Rules & Regulation of the Examination Concerned. Utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the result. Any error, if detected will be rectified as per rules.

* In the event of any discrepancy detected by any candidate, he/she has to bring this notice of the Controller of Examination within 1(one) month from the date of the declaration of result.

Dated: Dibrugarh                                                                                        (Dr. P.K.Kakoty)

The 4th April 2019                                                                              Controller of Examinations i/c

Dibrugarh University  



Result of the 1st Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Compartmental) Examination held in December, 2018.

  • The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are declared to have passed 1st Semester Master of Engineering, M.E (Compartmental) Examination held in December, 2018.

(In order of Roll No.)

  1. Civil Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) Appeared :06

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed   :06

Passed Percentage: 100%

[C17ME-02,             C16ME-03,      C17ME-06,      C15ME-07,      C17ME-09,      C17ME-10]

  1. Production and Industrial Engineering (Mechanical) Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) appeared :01

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed   :01

Passed Percentage: 100%

[M17ME- 07]

  1. Electrical Engineering

Total No. of Candidate(s) Appeared :03

Total No. of Candidate(s) Passed   :02

Passed Percentage:67%

[E17ME-11,                         E17ME-15]

(B) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are eligible to appear in the next 1st semester M.E (Compartmental) Examination in the paper(s) shown against their Roll Nos.

  1. Civil Engineering


  1. Production and Industrial Engineering(Mechanical) Engineering


  1. Electrical Engineering

[E17ME-17/17- [EE101, 102,103, 104,116, EEL101]


EE101- Process Dynamics and Control

EE 102- Instrumentation System Components

EE 103- Design of Automatic Control Systems

EE 104-Linear Algebra and Random Process

EE 116 – Process Dynamics and Control

EEL101- Instrumentation Lab


* The result has been prepared as per the existing DU Rules & Regulation of the Examination Concerned. Utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the result. Any error, if detected will be rectified as per rules.

* In the event of any discrepancy detected by any candidate, he/she has to bring this notice of the Controller of Examination within 1(one) month from the date of the declaration of result.

Dated: Dibrugarh                                                                                     (Dr. P.K. Kakoty)

The 4th April  2019                                                                       Controller of Examinations i/c

Dibrugarh University