Avant Garde
“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things … some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.”
Jackson Pollock
Rightly said by Sir Jackson Pollock, infamous American painter, choosing the brush, here in Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat few of many of the artistic minds came together to form ‘Avant Garde’. As the name suggests, innovative and futuristic, Avant Garde gives a broad spectrum to those budding artists who have a knack for art and activities related to creating art; those who dare to go beyond the usual aesthetics of art . Be it painting , sculpture making , crafts work ,poster making , Avant Garde , gives a platform to the artistic minds to come forward and enhance their talents and take their dreams of creating art to a new level .
- Mr. Arup Deka
- Civil Engineering Department, JEC
Club head
- Snigdhadip Sarma
- Anurag bharadwaj
- Dipakhi Kaishyap
Executive Members
- Mrinmoy Boruah
- Kristilina Dutta
- Rimi Deb
- Dristee Sonowal
- Rishav Raj Chetia
- Hritwick Gohain
- Dhanjit Baishya
Year 2022-23
“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa
Since the time this club was born, AVANT GARDE has always come up united to create artworks and organise art events. This time we present to you a WALL PAINTING SESSION in collaboration with NCC 51 Assam Air (T) Sqn, Jorhat.

Events Organised in the year of 2022 :-
1.Deja -Vu
Winners: 1st – Moupran Hazarika (JEC),2nd – Tridib Chakraborty (JEC),3rd – Manash Pratim Bezboruah (JEC)
2.Mehandi competition
3.T-shirt painting contest
4.Chitrarth (Drawing competition)
5.Junior art competition
6.Digital poster making competition (Topic: World Peace)
Winners: 1st – Sannidhya Gogoi (JIST),2nd – Rishav Raj Chetia (JEC),3rd – Anupam Bharati (JEC)
7.Art Exhibition
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY(in association with Proyas)
- Plantation Drive
- Drawing competition
- Best out of waste.
1.Digital Poster Making organized by ONGC
Winner: 1st -Alfrid Adnan,2nd -Rubayat Ahmed,3rd – Arif Alam
2.Winner of Phoenix 2022 and 2020 Logo Competition – Alfrid Adnan
3.Winner Digital Art Competition organized by North-East United Football Club’s Fan Club ” Highlander Brigide NEUFC” – Alfrid Adnan
4.Winner of Technovus 2019 logo making competition- Arif Alam
Events Organised in the year of 2020 :-
- Chitraarth (Open art exhibition).
- Chitraankan (Children’s art competition).
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY(in association with Strategica)
- Caricature making contest.
- Events Organised in the year of 2019 :-
- Chitraath (Open art competition).
- Arthchitra (Art competition for children).
- Open art and craft exhibition.
- Chalk and pencil sculpture workshop.
- Digital art competition.
- Comic strip.
- Clay culture workshop.
- T-shirt painting contest.
- 3D modelling workshop.
- Online digital art competition.