
The Jorhat Engineering College GNU/Linux Users Group, or the JEC GLUG upholds the international tradition of having a computer users’ group in a technical college. Its objectives are simple: advocate use of free and open source software along with GNU/Linux, computer education, expert technical support, and socialising among computer enthusiasts. Since its inception in 2013, JEC GLUG has organised numerous events, some of which are as follows:
1. Install fests: Mass installations of GNU/Linux in students’ computers, thus enabling them to further their computing skills.
2. Seminars on getting started with GNU/Linux, demonstrations of latest technologies and security issues.
3. Regular classes on particular topics, such as shell scripting.
4. Competitions and exams.
GLUG stands for GNU – Linux users group, as the name suggests this group was created because people united with their common interest for linux and open source software in general. Founded in 2013 under the supervision of Mr. Rajib Chakrabartty Sir we are proud to be one the very first group of its kind in the entire region of jorhat and upper assam. Now in addition to Linux we explore many different and popular branches of computer science that are in demand today.
Vision of Glug
The main objective of the group is to promote and create an environment where people can share and work on new ideas and help each other learn and grow. We at Jec GLUG believe in the freedom of knowledge and thus ‘Free As In Freedom’ is our proud motto.
It provides you a platform to learn various Technologies , hone your skills and prepare for placements.It will help you get experience on various projects by collaborating with your seniors.Various webinars,events,workshops will be held to help you grow your knowledge.There is always someone waiting to help you out.You are always free to take help from your seniors.
Training and Classes
We organize various training and classes on emerging fields in computer technology.Sessions on Linux and cybersecurity , development are a few examples.
Competitions and seminars
Various competitions in the field of competitive coding,web development and seminars are held regularly to provide students with exposure of real world scenarios in the field of computer science.
Workshops and bootcamps
Learning and keeping up with new technologies is very important for anyone in the field of computer science.keeping this in mind we organize boot camps and workshops on the latest and popular field of computer science.
Events Organised in the year of 2022 :-
Phoenix 2022
Treasure hunt
We have successfully conducted the “Treasure Hunt Competition” during Phoenix 2022, on 14th May.In a first of its kind event, around 180 participants distributed among 60 teams participated in the ultimate quest of finding the treasure which was hidden and the only way to the treasure was by solving various riddles, logical and reasoning questions using a web interface created by the JEC
Paint with css
A CSS art competition,”PAINT WITH CSS” was also conducted in online mode, another first of its kind event organized by JEC-GLUG during Phoenix 2022.The goal was simple, to create beautiful art by making use of HTML, CSS and Javascript. Among all the submissions two prize winners were selected.
Codingspree and Big Data Webinar
On the occasion of Engineer’s day we organized a flagship coding competition (Coding Spree) to promote and improve the coding skills of the students. Another event that was organized on the very occasion of Programmer’s day i.e. on 13th of September was an online webinar session. The guests of our session were Jaydeep Deka, an alumnus of our institution, who is also a speaker at World Machine Learning Summit, Dublin, Ireland and Habib Mohammed Khan who is a scientist at ISRO, the leading research organization of India.
Linux introduction and installation drive
Annual mass linux installation fest was organized where we installed various linux operating system distributions. Multiple sessions on linux commands and configuration of linux os environment was also organized.
Python bootcamp , Compt Coding Practice
A two-day python bootcamp was organized where we offered classes on python programming language. The speciality of this camp was that anyone having no prior knowledge of python could participate in it. We also organized a practice session dealing with problems related to competitive coding.
Events Organised in the year of 2019 :-
Technovus 2019
The various events organized by glug on the occasion of Technovus (our technical extravaganza) are :
A flagship coding competition was conducted in two rounds, qualifying and final.The qualifying round was held online and shortlisted candidates got the chance to compete in the final round.
A front-end web development competition wherein the participants were to produce a replica of a sample website shown at the time of competition using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap.
An interactive session with Dr. Prabin Kumar Bora, Professor in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at IITG, was held.Students caught a glimpse of his accomplishments in the field of machine learning and the virtues and vices of this revolutionary technology was discussed.
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