The Greek Philosopher Aristotle writes ..”If every tool ,when ordered ,or even of its own accord ,could do the work that befits it .. then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for the lords.” ..hinting how nice it would be to have few robots around.
The robotics club of JEC is a student-run club on campus with an active participation of around 100 students. Our club was initiated in the year 2010.We bring together like-minded students from all the departments in our college to have fun building robots. JEC Roboworld provides an opportunity for students to supplement their education with hands-on experience in integration engineering. It offers indispensible guidance, workshops and tutorials along with tools, equipments, components and workspace. The family meets periodically to discuss over matters such as the management of the workspace, workshops, projects and competitions. We welcome anyone, with or without prior knowledge, who wishes to be a part of this fraternity. We firmly believe in working in a planned, organized and disciplined manner that helps us in risk free management. The proceedings of the club are all pre-planned and run smoothly according to the rules. Well defined goals, an organized and disciplined work structure and motivated members are the features of the club that have helped the club to grow to a level where we see it now. The club today is an active platform for students to display and develop their practical machine building skills and knowledge.
Technical and Club Head :-Bishal Das
Robotics and Automation Head:- Ariyan Ali, Sourabh Pran Bora
Research and Development Head:-Sreeya Dutta
Treasurer and Finance Head:-Aditya Prakash Singh
Website Head:- Parishmita Das, Priyanka Banik , Priyanka Nandy, Himashree Hazarika
PR and Management Head:-Yeasin Ahmed
Creative Heads:-Bivob Bhuyan , Arabinda Borah, Abinashi Dutta, Tithi Choudhury
Equipment in charge:-Sourabh Jyoti Borah
Executive Members:-Arindam,Bidisha,Lakshmi shree,Prachurjya,Prasanta,Ankita,Jitu
Representatives cum Event Manager:-Bilton Narzary, Kritartha Gautam,Tejas Arandhara, Arantara Choudhury
Senior Members:-Ankit Nath ,Ankur Talukdar ,Kobal Dip Das,Manish Tapan Deka ,Banchita Boruah,Siddharth Sonowal, Raja Raman Boruah,Jahnabi Sarma,Tanmoy Sharma , Anjan Pathak
Phoenix 2019

Held on 18/03/2019
Event Description:-
Make a wireless or wired manual robot which can engage in one on one battle, within a time limit. The winners will be decided based on points scored during the battle or the team that knocks out the opponent first.

Held on 20/03/2019
Event Description:-
Make a wireless or wired manual robot (striker Bot) which can compete in a one on one soccer match, hitting the ball to score goals and another wireless or wired manual robot (Goal-Keeper Bot) which prevents the opponent from scoring.

Held on 20/03/2019
Event Description:-
The game will be based on kingdom warfare between two robots where one will be an attacker and the other a defender of his kingdom. The kingdom will be built of watch towers, defence towers and castle walls whereupon destruction of each unit the attacker will gain points. Each robot will be given a fair chance to attack as well as to defend and the team which inflicts maximum damage to the kingdom will be declared victorious in the end.

Held on 18/03/2019
Event Description:-
Today, electronics dominate the world and the people living in it. Using electronics today is so much a part of our lives that we hardly think of the way the world would be without it. Circuit-o-nix brings you a platform where you can show your skills in making an electronic circuit in limited time where the problem statement will be known to you at the time of the event.
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)-2019

Held on 15/09/2019
Event Description:-
North-eastern region of India especially assam has always been suffering from disastrous floods. Many people lost their lives in previous floods. Even today during floods there is always a chaotic situation. You need to come up with ideas to build a device (any technology to help the people will be appreciated) to help the suffering people during flood.
Participants are required to come up with ideas to build a device to help the flood-stricken people. The device may be a moving bot or any technology which may help the people directly or the rescue team or maybe a carrier for transporting payloads.
Technovus 2019

Held on 02/11/2019
Event Description:-
Make a wireless or wired manual robot which can engage in one-on-one battle, within a time limit. The winners will be decided based on points scored during the battle or the team that knocks out the opponent first.

Held on 03/11/2019
Event Description:-
Make a wireless or wired manual robot which can engage in one-on-one battle, within a time limit. The winners will be decided based on points scored during the battle or the team that knocks out the opponent first.

Held on 03/11/2019
Event Description:-
The game will be based on kingdom warfare between two robots where one will be an attacker and the other a defender of his kingdom. The kingdom will be built of watch towers, defence towers and castle walls whereupon destruction of each unit the attacker will gain points. Each robot will be given a fair chance to attack as well as to defend and the team which inflicts maximum damage to the kingdom will be declared victorious in the end.
Held on 03/11/2019
Introduction: Today, electronics dominate the world and the people living in it. Using electronics today is so much a part of our lives that we hardly think of the way the world would be without it. Circuit-o-nix brings you a platform where you can show your skills in making an electronic circuit in limited time where the problem statement will be known to you at the time of the event.
Held on 02/11/2019
Introduction: Arduino has been around for more than a decade now, it has always been considered as go-to microcontroller for embedded system prototyping. Show your dexterity in programming Arduino based on real world problems. This is an arduino based extempore hardware programming event in which you will be provided with necessary hardware components* which you have to program according to the problem statement given at the time of event.
Held on 03/11/2019
In the age of technology where innovations have advanced humanity towards a new level, smart devices have been replacing the old ones. Due to the increased number of road accidents, smart vehicles have become a growing need of the present-day world. Also, pedestrian fatalities have risen recently. Thus, implementation of automatic braking, pedestrian detection system, driver’s consciousness detection system etc could be great ideas to reduce such accidents.

Held on 02/11/2019
Teams have to build a manually controlled bot which can do simple tasks of gripping blocks and putting them in target zones so that it can complete the route by overcoming the Hurdles in its path. The bot can be wired or wireless.
MatterMind Summary
Held on 02/11/2019
Event Description:-
Sustainability and sustainable development seem to be the new buzz terms used to discuss solving environmental issues. Sustainable development should be ecologically conformable, economically viable and socially acceptable. However, creating a sustainable world is actually a complex idea that involves much more than just saving trees and wildlife. It involves improving how humans live without permanently damaging the Earth, a task that brings with it unique challenges.
2021 AYTC(Arnab Kishor Bordoloi Young Technovator Competition 2021)

Held on 09/09/21
Event Description:-
An event held in memory of Late Arnab Kishor Bordoloi a former prestigious member of our club who has the highest contribution to the club till date. This competition motive was to make the students to bring new ideas to help the society.
Phoenix 2022

Held on 02/11/2019
Event Description:-
Two day workshop on Aero Modelling on 14 th and 15 th May was held at Jorhat Engineering College during Phoenix by RoboWorld in collaboration with Aero Modellers Club Of Assamand 51 Assam Air Sqn ( Tech)NCC . The workshop is dedicated to learn the technology behind making of aircrafts. On the very first day Air Show was organised in the JEC main field at 9 am then inauguration of aero modelling workshop at 10 am in Mechanical Drawing Lab of JEC was done . First day of the workshop focused on the briefing and theory on aero modelling from 10 am to 10: 30 am , assembling and construction of aero model from 10:30 am to 11:30 am, then a tea break from 11:30am to 12pm, cutting and pasting of the model from 12 pm to 1:30 pm then lunch break from 1:30 pm –2:30 pm , assembling and construction from 2:30 pm – 7 pm.Model aircraft are small sized flying replicas of existing of imaginary aircraft using a variety of materials including paper , tapes , foam board , coroplast sheet , propeller, wood pieces , glue, metal wire etc for the body and the electronicsconfiguration of the model covered servos , jumper wires , brushless DC motor, electronic speed controller , LiPo battery , receiver and remote etc. Second day of the workshop focused on setting and programming of aircraft and mounting of electronics from 10 am, designing and decoration of aero model from 12 pm and at the end the aero model kit were tested in the JEC main field from 4pm. The workshop helped the participants to get brief knowledge on the basic concepts of Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Flight mechanics, structure and concepts of electronics involved in RC aircraft technology. The workshop duration was ten hours during the first day and six hours during the second day and certificate of participation was provided to all.

Held on 16th May 2022
Event Description:-
This was a science exhibition held for the school students of Jorhat locality.