Computer Interaction with outside world

Interaction with Alumni members

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of affiliating University(ASTU ) Prof Narendra S Chaudhari delivering a lecture on the Theory of Computation for the Students

Start-up pitch at CSIR – NEIST

“ENCON” start-up by Mr. Alokesh Bora, Mr. Jayant Sitkia, Mr. Jyotiska Bharadwaj, Mr. Kibri Ahsan
by Mr. Syed Ibtisam Tauhidi, Assistant Professor, JEC Jorhat

Webinairs (during Coronavirus lockdown)

“Introduction to Fog Computing”
by Mr. Pallav Deb, Research Scholar, IIT Kharagpur

“Introduction to Natural Language Processing”
by Mr. Pritam Deka, Postgraduate Researcher, Queen’s University Belfast

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