Instrumentation Engineering UG Projects

Identification of projects and allocation methodology to Faculty Members:

At the beginning of the semester, in which project work is included as per university regulation, the students are notified to form project groups consisting of not more than 4 members. The department participates in the group formation to make a balanced group.

After formation of groups, the groups are asked to submit a preference proposal stating the following:

  1. Department / course of study
  2. Group number and Name of the group members
  3. Session
  4. Broad area in which project to be undertaken
  5. Topic of interest / problem, if decided.
  6. The list of previous year’s projects is displayed at notice board which ensures no repetition of project work and encourages students to take projects related to industry.
  7. On the basis of the area / topic of interest, available teacher is assigned as the supervisor of a group.
  8. The groups, in consultation with their supervisor submit project proposal to the department.
  9. The HOD arranges a project registration seminar to finalize the topics for the groups after presentation of the proposals and discussion. All project supervisors and faculty members / Guest faculty members attend the seminar.
  10. The faculties encourage students to publish their project work in reputed journals/conferences.

Project Monitoring

  1. The progress of project work is monitored by the supervisor. He/ She is expected to help the group in searching resources, planning the activities and preparing action plans to complete the work as per academic calendar.
  2. He/ She is to meet the groups 4 hours weekly in specified project class hours to resolve problems encountered and judge the involvement of individual group members in the project work. He/ She needs to keep proper record of such sittings and Head of the department monitors the activities assigned to the supervisors.

Continuous evaluation of Project:

  1. Weekly monitoring and evaluation of progress of each student
  2. Monthly assessment of Project progress.
  3. Semester end Project progress seminar.

The continuous evaluation of project is based on following criterion: Status of progress, Technical skill and Involvement. The overall assessment is done to attain COs.

  1. Overall Project Evaluation:
  2. The project evaluation phase has two components:
    1. Internal (continuous) evaluation done by Project Supervisor and department committee.
    2. External evaluation done by External Examiner appointed by the affiliating university.


The evaluation is as per the following scheme:

  1. 7th SEM : Internal:100 marks + external: 50 marks = Total: 150
  2. 8th SEM : Internal:150 marks + external: 50 marks = Total: 200

The internal evaluation includes weekly monitoring and evaluation of progress of each student, Monthly assessment of Project progress and two seminars as given below Semester end Project progress seminar.

Seminar-I: Progress seminar, Mid-term
Seminar-II : Pre-submission seminar
3 faculty members shall be involved in evaluating the seminar presentation (excluding the guide) and the average of the three shall be awarded as the Seminar-I/ II marks against each student of a group. Moderation if needed shall be done in a departmental meeting of all supervisors chaired by the Head of the department.

Project Assessment Rubrics

Projects (2022-23)

Projects (2021-22)

Projects (2020-21)

Projects (2019-20)

Projects (2018-19)

Projects (2017-18)

Best Project Awardees

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